Prof Ishaq Oloyede (Registrar, Joint Admission and Matriculation Board):
Oratory on Professor Akinjide Osuntokun, OON

The Chairman, distinguished leaders,
It is on record that when the ancient Chinese decided to live in peace, they made the Great Wall of China. A world wonder and architectural masterpiece, they thought no one could climb it due to its height. During the first 100 years of its existence, the Chinese were invaded thrice. Each time they were attacked, the hordes of the enemy infantry had no need of penetrating or climbing the wall because each time, they bribed the guards and came through the doors.

Though the Chinese built the wall, they forgot to build the character of the wall guards through sound education. The building of human character is the hallmark of any sound education programme and this important value is the bane of many societies today. As once noted by a thinker, if you want to destroy the civilisation of a nation, there are three ways to do it: 1) destroy the family structure 2) destroy education and 3) lower the role models and references.
According to him, “First, in order to destroy family, undermine the role of Mother, so that she feels ashamed of being a housewife. Second, to destroy education, you should give no importance to the Teacher, and lower his place in the society so that the students would despise him. Third, to lower the role models, you should undermine the Scholars, doubt them until no one listens to them or follows them.”

It goes without saying education is the heartbeat, the bedrock and the backbone of the human society and civilisation. This is because with good education, everything is in order; and without education, everything is in a shambles. One global icon and foremost Nigerian apostle in the temple of education is that man of multidimensional competencies, Professor Emeritus Akinjide Osuntokun, Officer of the Order of Niger (OON).

Ladies and gentlemen, Akinjide Osuntokun was born in Oke Imesi, Ekiti State, and educated at the University of Ibadan where he obtained his first degree in History. His erudition as a young scholar enabled him to proceed immediately for his PhD at Dalhouse University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. His quest for more educational exposure took him to the University of London, UK; the Sorbonne University, Paris, France; and the University of Hamburg, Germany, where he obtained proficiency in French and German, in addition to his second language, English.

Having received high quality education, he emerged one of the greatest educators of his time with students across many universities and countries. At various times in a remarkable career that has spanned decades, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Western Ontario, Canada; Lecturer at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, the University of West Indies, and the University College that became the University of Jos. More than four decades ago, Osuntokun had served as Professor and Dean of Arts, University of Maiduguri (1982-1984) and served the University of Lagos between 1984 and 1985 as a Professor. He has also served at Redeemer’s University and shaped the future of thousands of students who have been privileged to pass through his terrific tutelage. A well published scholar with over 100 publications in reputable outlets across the world.

As significance as teaching and research in various institutions across the globe is, it is not enough to earn the highly coveted HLF Role Model Award, which requires significant impact of education not only on the members of the university communities but also on the society at large. This, Prof. Akinjide Osuntokun, attained with immeasurable impact through his extra-ordinary performance as (i) Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council, Ekiti State University, who was instrumental to the academic transformation of the University as a research hub. (ii) a regular columnist for many years, educating the public with his inexhaustible mine of scholarship and experience (iii) a Member of the National Directorate of Employment (1985-1988) (iv) Special Adviser at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nigeria (1988-1991), and (v) Honorary Adviser on Foreign Policy to the President between 1999 and 2015.

Without an iota of doubt, his life is a vivid demonstration of the heights to which education can take one. His education has allowed him to serve his community, Nigeria and humanity at large in other capacities as (vi) Director of the Nigerian Universities Commission Offices in Washington, DC, USA and Ottawa, Ontario Canada (vii) a member of the Presidential Advisory Council (PAC) on International Relations (viii) Nigeria’s Ambassador, Extra-ordinary and Plenipotentiary, to Germany.
He has earned national recognition not only in Nigeria but also in Equatorial Guinea as recipients of OON in Nigeria and the Presidential Honour of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. He equally holds the distinguished Fellowships of the Nigerian Academy of Letters (FNAL), Historical Society of Nigeria (FHSN) as well as those of Redeemer’s University and University of Lagos.

A master mentor and educator par excellence, Professor Emeritus Osuntokun has served as (ix) President, Nigeria-Canada Chamber of Commerce and Industry (x) Chairman, Environmental Protection Society of Nigeria (xi) President, Nigerian Society of International Affairs, and (xii) President, Historical Society of Nigeria, among others.

In giving further recognition to the Teacher and according education its rightful status as the nucleus of civilisation, it is my singular honour and special privilege to introduce to you, and invite to the podium, one of the greatest African intellectuals alive, the Baapitan (Grand Historian) of Oyo, His Excellency, Emeritus Professor of History and International Relations, Baba Akinjide Osuntokun!