

Focused primarily on the indigent and displaced children of the Niger Delta, the Foundation will continue to provide support to enable them achieve maximum potential.


What We Do

Acknowledgement of Contemporary Societal Role Models for the younger generation to emulate and make a positive impact in their communities.



Gestures of Magnanimity are very well appreciated and received with a deep sense of gratefulness as your support can make a lasting impact.


Discovering the Hallmarks of Labour Foundation

Celebrating Hard Work, Integrity, and Patriotism in Nigeria and Beyond

Our vision is to create a society where the younger generation is inspired by contemporary role models who embody the values of integrity, empathy, and selflessness. Through our efforts, we strive to foster a culture of acknowledgement and appreciation for those who exemplify the best of humanity and empower the next generation to follow in their footsteps.

Our mission is to provide a platform for showcasing inspiring stories and promoting a culture of social responsibility among the next generation. We believe that by recognizing and celebrating the achievements of these role models, we can empower the youth to become change agents and contribute towards a better society. 

Latest Speeches


Prof Ekanem Braide: Oratory on Professor Christian Happi

<h3 style="text-align: center;">Prof Ekanem Braide (President, Nigerian Academy of Science): Oratory on Professor Christian Happi</h3> <img class="wp-image-8078 aligncenter" src="⁠Prof-Ekanem-Braide-e1717516375741-300x169.jpeg" alt="" width="711" height="400" /> Christian Happi is a Professor of Molecular Biology and Genomics. He is the Director of the World Bank-funded African Centre of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases (ACEGID) in Redeemer’s University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria. After obtaining a Ph.D. from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria in 2000, he proceeded to Harvard University for his Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2000-2003. He currently leads the joint WHO Africa Region/Africa Centres for Disease Control (AfCDC); providing information for programmatic action for the effective control of COVID-19 and other emerging pathogens in Africa. His research focus is on genomics of infectious diseases and human genomics. He diagnosed the first case of Ebola virus disease in Nigeria in 2014 and worked closely with Nigerian health authorities for the successful containment of the recent Ebola out-break in Nigeria. Using advanced genomics and deep sequencing technology, Professor Christian Happi and colleagues sequenced the first 99 Ebola virus genomes during the 2014-2016 West African Ebola out-break, and made these openly accessible to the international scientific and research community, thus, pioneering open- access genomics data. His team also developed the first rapid diagnostics test against Ebola Virus disease within 6 months of the 2014-2016 Ebola out-break in West Africa. The US FDA and WHO approved this diagnosis under emergency use authorisation. In 2007, Professor Happi developed and performed the first on-site molecular diagnosis of Lassa Fever in Nigeria, at the Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH), Edo State, Nigeria. He has since worked with collaborators to develop a novel 5-minute rapid diagnosis test for Lassa Fever. These first genome sequencing of the Lassa Fever virus resulted in the acceleration of the development of Lassa fever vaccines, among which three (3) are currently undergoing clinical trials in Nigeria and other West African countries. Professor Happi, recently, used next generation sequencing technology to perform the first sequence of the new SARS-CoV-2 in Africa, within 48 hours of receiving sample of the first index case in Nigeria. Since then, he has performed genome sequencing of over 500 SARS-CoV-2 in Nigeria, along the line discovering the new B.1.525 variant of concern in Nigeria. This work on COVID-19 genomics has not only provided an insight into the detailed genetic map, origins, evolution, transmission and spread of the new corona virus in Nigeria and Africa but paved the way to his developing a new COVID-19 nucleic acid-based rapid (15mins) diagnostics test. His work has also resulted in the development of a COVID-19 vaccine candidate (COVID-Diovax). Professor Happi has received several prestigious national and International Awards for Innovation and Health Leadership. Professor Christian Happi embodies the passion, intellectual drive and innovative spirit that African scientific leaders need for discoveries that will help the continent stem its scientific and academic challenges. It is my pleasure to invite Professor Christian Happi to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Science.

Executive Secretary’s Speech at the HLF 27th Anniversary Awards Dinner

<p class="p1">On behalf of the Chairman, Board of Trustees His Excellency, Amb. Dr Christopher Kolade, we welcome you to the Hallmarks of Labour Foundation's 27" Anniversary and Role Model Awards.</p> <p class="p1">These many years apparently gone so quickly have not been without challenges even as the Foundation remains determined in its resolve that our country Nigeria is a Great Nation, Hence, we are gathered here again to celebrate another set of Nigerians who can match their counterparts elsewhere in the world. A look at our HLF Roll-Call is a testimony to the fact.</p> <p class="p1">Every country has their share of men and women of note, who have made their marks and left their foot-prints on the sands of time.</p> <p class="p1">However, their achievements are not always adequately celebrated or chronicled. We at the Hallmarks of Labour Foundation believe that this should not be so; that there should be a Roll of Honour of great achievers who in their areas of specialisation have done Nigeria proud, and become veritable role models for our young and future generations.</p> <p class="p1">Over the years, the Foundation has projected and documented the achievements of these worthy patriots for the present and future generations, in a series titled Hallmarks of Labour. Copies of published editions, now in its 12' Volume, are available for Preview and sale.</p> <p class="p1">As a country Nigeria has so much to thank God for. We remain firm believers that Nigeria will continue to rise and take its rightful place among the Comity of Nations and the signs abound. We are blessed with abundant Natural as well as Human Resources. It is time now for us all, We the People, to stop blaming everyone else but ourselves. We should begin to apply ourselves -- as parents, guardians, teachers & leaders - - by the values we pass on to our children and wards. Our dedication to</p> <p class="p1">Patricia Otuedon-Arawore</p> <p class="p1">(Executive Secretary)</p> <p class="p1">our duties, to our people and country - public and private sector work-places; Executive, Legislature & Judiciary, Academia, Commerce & Industry, etc. -- will impact significantly on what our country becomes in the future. We should all join hands to help build the Nigeria of our dreams.</p> <p class="p1">This is a task for us all without exception, as we have no other country to call our own. The lessons of history are profound.</p> <p class="p1">The Celebration of these Great Nigerians today demonstrates that Nigeria is a reservoir of noble men and women, who by dint of hard-work and integrity, have made their marks in their fields of endeavour and with positive impact on the wider society.</p> <p class="p1">Till date, the Foundation has identified and presented 90 Role Models with exemplary achievements. It is our hope that our younger generations will emulate them for the benefit of a greater Nigeria.</p> <p class="p1">Ladies and Gentlemen, as we wish you a fulfilling experience at the twin event, we really appreciate your esteemed presence.</p> <p class="p1">Thank you all for coming.</p> <strong>Executive Secretary,</strong> <p class="p1"><strong>Patricia Otuedon-Arawore</strong></p> <p class="p1"></p>

Chairman Amb. Dr. Christopher Kolade’s Speech at the HLF 27th Anniversary Awards Dinner

One of the notable blessings of the nation of Nigeria has been the life and work of the late <strong>Professor Umaru Shehu</strong>, who passed into glory on 2"' October, 2023. He was not only an eminent Professor of Medicine, a man of respectable academic intellect; he also served as Vice Chancellor and Pro Chancellor at a number of Nigerian Universities. His additional distinction was that he was the pioneer Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the <strong>Hallmarks of Labour Foundation (HLF)</strong>, the principal champion of the Foundation's concept and philosophy of quality performance, and the leader of its activities for 26 years. His own performance was exemplary in every respect, and he practiced the standards that he preached. He demonstrated foresight in ensuring the Foundation's interaction with youngsters in educational institutions, promoting the integration of performance excellence into their development. The Foundation mourns his departure, and is determined to secure and sustain his enviable legacy in the Nigerian nation. In making these Awards tonight, the Foundation is grateful to Committees of previous Award winners and others who served as Assessors of nominees, and confirmed their worthiness for receiving the honour. The Trustees of the Foundation also register their appreciation of the tireless efforts of their Executive Secretary, <strong>Mrs Patricia Otuedon-Arawore</strong>, whose light shines ever brighter as she organizes the ongoing activities of the HLF and ensures the smooth running or these annual award events. Hearty congratulations to the new Award Winners on this 27th Anniversary of the Hallmarks of Labour Foundation. Tonight, our Award winners stand out as distinguished Nigerians whose exemplary contributions are being marked and recognized by all. We are delighted and excited to identify them, showcase them and celebrate them as people who are acknowledged as highly worthy of emulation as we all collaborate to build Nigeria into a great nation whose citizens work together, at home and beyond, to establish and sustain success and distinction through excellence of real performance. Chairman Amb. Dr. Christopher Kolade <strong>Lagos, 20 April 2024.</strong>

Our Distinguished Orators


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"Celebrating Hard Work, Integrity, and Patriotism in Nigeria and Beyond"

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20 Apr

Hallmarks of Labour Foundation Iconic Award 2024

Grand Balloon Hall of Lagos Oriental Hotel in Victoria Island Lagos
11 Dec

HLF 25TH Anniversary & Role Model Awards 2021

Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island Lagos

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Professor Muhammad Ali Pate, CON

A consummate Physician, Educator, Administrator, International Expert on Health Policy, and Community Developer. Professor Muhammad Ali Pate obtained his tertiary and professional training in Nigeria and overseas. Among other qualifications, he holds the MBBS from Ahmadu Bello University [ABU], Zaria; Residency and Fellowship at the University of Rochester, New York, USA; American Board Certification in Internal Medicine & Infectious Diseases; and a Master’s degree in Health System Management from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK.

In his over three decades’ cognate experience, Professor Muhammad Pate has made impressive marks on the domestic and international scenes.

His postings have taken him to ABU Teaching Hospital; British Medical Research Council Laboratories in Fajara, The Gambia; the World Bank Group — successively Health Specialist for Africa Region and later East Asia & Pacific Region, as Global Director, Health, Nutrition & Population Global Practice and Director, Global Financing Facility. In the latter capacities, he led some 390 international development professionals in six regions of the world to respond to the ravaging COVID-19 pandemic in over 100 countries.

Between 2019 and 2023, Muhammad Ali Pate was a Professor of the Practice of Public Health Leadership at Harvard Chan School and Co-Chair, Future of Health & Economic Resilience in Africa.

Back home in Nigeria, he served as Chief Executive, National Primary Health Care Development Agency from 2008 to 2011. His stellar performance in that strategic assignment got him elevated to be appointed Minister of State for Health during which tenure he and his team developed a reform agenda for unlocking the market potential of the private sector in health to deliver demographic dividends.

Still in the focus of the Nigerian Government, Professor Muhammad Ali Pate was, in 2023, appointed the nation’s first Coordinating Minister of Health & Social Welfare: in which capacitv he is steadily implementing a far-reaching and comprehensive National Health Sector Renewal Investment Programme.

There have been several other national & alobal assianments which our Celebrant undertook creditably. These include: Chair, Global Agenda Council on Population Growth of the World
Economic Forum.

Professor Muhammad Ali Pate has dedicated his adult life to making Nigeria and the world safer and healthier especially for children, women & adolescents. He is the founding CEO of Big Win Philanthropy [which provides philanthropic leadership, management and investment portfolio in sustainable health outcomes for loping developing countries] and the Founder of Chigari Foundation [an NGO that collaborates with Nigerian community leaders to mobilise for routine immunization and primary health care services].

Happily married with children, Professor Muhammad Pate is widely recognized. He was conferred with the title of Dan lyan Ibbi of Taraba by traditional leaders in northern Nigeria, and the National Honour of Commander of the Order of the Niger [CON] by the Federal Government of Nigeria. He is also a recipient of the prestigious Geneva Health Forum Award [for outstanding contributions to global health and development] and Harvard Health Leadership Award.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we are privileged to invite Professor Muhammad Ali Pate to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Medicine.

Please accept our Hearty Congratulations, Sir!

Ambassador Barrister Geoffrey Onyeama, CON

A quintessential Diplomat, Legal Luminary and International Civil Servant, His Excellency, Barr. Geoffrey Jideofor Kwusike Onyeama was born some 68 years ago on February 2, 1956. He obtained his post-secondary education from some of the best institutions in the world, namely: Columbia University, New York, USA; St. John’s College, Cambridge University, UK; and London School of Economics & Political Science [LSE], University of London.

Among others, he holds a degree in Political Science [majoring in International Relations], Bachelor’s & Master’s in Law degrees from Cambridge University and LSE; and qualified as a Barrister in England and as a Barrister & Solicitor in Nigeria.

Geoffrey Onyeama spent 29 years and 9 months at WIPO.

He started as an Assistant Program Officer and ended as Deputy Director-General, which is equivalent to Under Secretary-General of the United Nations.

At WIPO, Geoffrey Onyeama worked for many years in the Africa Bureau where he implemented programs promoting the use of intellectual property as a tool for economic, social, technological and cultural development in Africa, through policy development, strategic planning, legislative advice, institution strengthening and capacity building. In particular he played a crucial role in the elaboration of a road map for the development of a responsive intellectual property system in Nigeria. Nollywood and the music industry are direct beneficiaries and stakeholders of that intellectual property system and of course the Nigerian economy has grown substantially as a result.

Geoffrey Onyeama, as an Assistant Director-General worked to promote the use of intellectual property as a tool for development in Asia, Arab Countries, Latin America and the Caribbean and worked to strengthen cooperation with industry and non-governmental organizations in Europe and North America and also to strengthen cooperation with the United Nations and United Nations agencies.

Geoffrey Onyeama spent almost 30 years in WIPO promoting in our world, creativity, innovation, trade, culture and access to medicines through a flexible and responsive intellectual property system.

After leaving WIPO in 2014, Geoffrey Onyeama returned to Nigeria and was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2015.

He served in that position until 2023 and was this one of the longest Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Nigeria’s history.

As a Minister, Geoffrey Onyeama pursued a policy of constructive engagement with all countries. In particular, he promoted democracy in West Africa and during his tenure, Nigeria played a crucial role in saving democracy in The Gambia and in guiding the successful democratic transition in Guinea Bissau as well as strengthening cooperation within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). He also played an important role in preventing African countries from withdrawing en masse from the International Criminal Court (ICC), in the framework of the African Union. He also oversaw the successful evacuation of Nigerians from several trouble spots around the world including the successful evacuations during the Covid pandemic.

In the framework of a dynamic economic diplomacy initiative, Geoffrey Onyeama oversaw the signing of numerous memorandums of understanding on trade with several countries around the world and also managed successful campaigns to have Nigerians appointed on top positions in major international organizations.

He intervened robustly and decisively to defend the human rights of Nigerians in various countries around the world whenever those rights were threatened or violated. He also successfully organized and managed several Presidential state visits to major countries around the world as well as visits to Nigeria of major world leaders, thereby cementing Nigeria’s position as a respected partner on the international scene.

He ensured that Nigeria played an active and influential role in addressing global issues and challenges at the multilateral level of the United Nations and other international organizations.

Throughout his almost 40 years of service at the international level, Geoffrey Onyeama has always acted with utmost integrity, dedication and loyalty and fought passionately for peace, justice and human development and prosperity everywhere in the world.

He is married with children.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we are proud to invite His Excellency, Amb. Geoffrey Jideofor Kwusike Onyeama to receive the Hallmarks of Labour-Emeka Anyaoku Lifetime Achievement Award to Nigeria’s Outstanding International Icon.

Hearty Congratulations, Sir!

Barrister Henry Odein Ajumogobia, SAN, OFR

An accomplished Legal Luminary, Diplomat & a two-time Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Barr. Henry Odein Ajumogobia obtained his professional training at University of Lagos, Lagos; Nigerian Law School, Lagos; and Harvard Law School, Cambridge-Massachusetts, USA.

Among other qualifications, he holds the LL.B.

Honours, BL, & LL.M. – specializing in International Commercial Arbitration; International Business Transactions; Conflict of Laws, International Law;

Energy & Natural Resource Law.

He was called to the Nigerian Bar in 1979, and has held critical appointments in the public and private sectors. Among others, he served as a Teaching Assistant in the University of Lagos Faculty of Law and Associate, Fred Egbe & Co. for three years.

After a four-year stint as Rivers State Attorney-General & Commissioner of Justice, he was duly elevated to national and international limelight where he held strategic portfolios of Minister of State for Petroleum Resources [2007-20101 and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2010 to 2011. These ministerial appointments also came with several other national and global assignments, including Membership of the National Economic Management Team, Privatisation Council, Independent Power Programme, National Security Council, United Nations Security Council, and Council of Ministers of ECOWAS States.

Between 1983-1984 he served as legal consultants, Nigeria LNG consultant where in conjuction with international financial consultants including ADL Inc, First Boston Corp and Legal Consultants SHERMAN & STERLING and Wilmer cutler and Pickering, New York developed PROJECT STRATEGY for the NIGERIAN LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS PROJECT.

Our Celebrant is a Founding/Senior Partner of the legal firm, Ajumogobia & Okeke; and has for over decades been actively involved with multi-faceted briefs in strategic sectors of the national economy and on the international scene; variously as Arbitrator/Mediator, Counsel and Consultant.

Indeed, his extensive experience as a Negotiator and Litigator of commercial disputes has given him a cutting edge as a Solicitor and Advocate; and with tremendous outcomes for his wide range of clientele.

A recipient of the National Honour of Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic [OFR], Barr. Henry Ajumogobia is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London and Senior Advocate of Nigeria [SAN] since 2003. He is also the incumbent Chairman of the Nigeria Natural Resource Charter; an Honorary Member of the International Arbitration Court, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and previously served for two terms as a Member of the IC International Court of Arbitration, Paris, France.

His other impressive professional affiliations include Membership of the Nigerian Bar Association, Nigerian Society of International Law, International Bar Association, American Society of International Law, and American Bar Association.

With Special Mention in Chambers International Law Directory & Listing in Who’s Who Legal – International Who’s Who of Oil & Gas Lawyers, 2004, he has made informed presentations at various fora across the world; and is the Author of a number of published works.

Happily married to Mrs. Awuneba Ajumogobia,

FCA, they are proud parents of a son and three daughters.

Ladies & Gentlemen, it is with tremendous pleasure that we invite Barr. Henry Odein Ajumogobia, SAN to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award for Outstanding Contributions in Leadership & Good Governance.

Hearty Congratulations, Sir!

Emeritus Professor Akinjide Osuntokun, OON

A Celebrated Historian, Teacher, Author & Administrator, Emeritus Professor Akinjide Osuntokun was educated in Nigeria and abroad.

Among other academic & professional qualifications, he holds the Bachelor’s degree in History for University of Ibadan and a straight Ph.D. from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He undertook further studies at the London School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London; The Sorbonne University, Paris, France; and University of Hamburg, Germany; also acquiring mastery of French and German languages.

A Professor Emeritus of History & International

Relations at the University of Lagos [UniLag] since 2012 and in the same rank at Redeemer’s University from 2017, he was a full Professor at UniLag for about two decades.

Our Celebrant’s resume shows that he has been around. He has been an Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario, Canada; Lecturer, University of Ibadan [UI] and University of West Indies; Professor of History, University of Maiduguri; and Professor of History, Redeemer’s University for 12 years. At UI, he was one of the young lecturers sent to establish the Jos Campus, which metamorphosed into the University of Jos.

In the West Indies, he taught Commonwealth and African History which helped to project the contribution of Africa to that Anglo-African country without over-stressing the cultural legacy of the British.

Beyond the classroom, Professor Jide Osuntokun has been pressed into service on national global assignments. He was variously Director, Nigerian Universities Commission Office in Washington, D.C. USA, and Ottawa, Ontario, Canada’ during which assignments he helped to broaden the scope of tertiary education in Nigeria. Among others, he helped to recruit and train staff, source equipment and provide international academic linkages for Nigerian universities.

He also served as Nigeria’s Ambassador, Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary to Germany; a Member, Presidential Advisory Council (PAC) on International Relations: and Pro-Chancellor & Chairman of Council of Ekiti State University which transformation he led to attract better funding and facilities.

Widely-published and on the Editorial Boards of many journals and learned publications, Professor Jide Osuntokun has over 100 publications to his credit and has maintained regular newspaper columns for many years.

Our Celebrant is a recipient of the Nigerian National Honour of Officer of the Order of the Niger [OON] & Presidential Honour of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea; and holds the distinguished Fellowships of the Nigerian Academy of Letters, Historical Society of Nigeria, Redeemer’s University, and University of Lagos.

His varied roles in his professional affiliations include: President, Nigeria-Canada Chamber of Commerce & Industry since 199; Chairman, Environmental Protection Society of Nigeria since

1993; President, Nigerian Society of International Affairs; and President, Historical Society of Nigeria.

He is happily married with children.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we respectfully invite Professor Akiniide Osuntokun to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Education.

Hearty Congratulations, Sir!

Barr. Louis Nnamdi Mbanefo, SAN

Barr. Louis Mbanefo SAN was born in Onitsha, Anambra State of Nigeria on 23rd September 1944, and studied law at Queens’ College, Cambridge University – B.A. Hons 1967; LL.M

1968; M.A. 1970. He was called to the English Bar (Middle Temple) in November 1968, and served pupillages in Essex Court and other Chambers in the Middle Temple. The young Louis Mbanefo joined the British Civil Service and served from

1970-1972 as Legal Assistant to H.M. Treasury Solicitor, Whitehall, London.

Mbanefo was called to the Nigerian Bar in June 1973, whereupon he set up the law partnership Mbanefo & Mbanefo in 1974 with his cousin Patrick Mbanefo (deceased). Since 1984 he has run the law firm Louis Mbanefo & Co., in Lagos.

He has appeared as counsel in many of the leading Nigerian shipping and commercial cases which have set major judicial precedents in Nigerian maritime law. In recognition of his significant contributions to the development of law, he was appointed a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) in May 1988.

A founder member of the Nigerian Maritime Law Association, he was successively the Hon.

Secretary, Vice-President and the President

(2010-2016). He is currently a Patron of the Association.

He is a past Chairman of the Board of directors of the Nigerian National Shipping Line. He was appointed Chairman of a Ministerial Committee set up to review and update the Nigerian Shipping Laws by the Minister of Transport and was responsible for the preparation of the Admiralty Jurisdiction Act 1991 and Admiralty Jurisdiction Procedure Rules 1993 as well as the Merchant Shipping Act 2007 for the Nigerian Government.

He is the Author of the Nigerian Shipping laws and Shipping Practice and procedure. He also authored the sixteen volumes of Nigerian Shipping Cases, Nigeria’s pioneer law maritime reports used by judges, practitioners and students. These reports for many maritime lawyers, are the foundation of their training, and continue to serve as a key reference material for adiudication of maritime disputes in Nigeria and beyond.

In year 2000, he was appointed by the Minister of Transport Chairman of a Task Force which successfully achieved the admission of Nigeria into the “White List” of the IMO.

Together with Professor Francesco Berlingieri, Dr. Thomas Mensah and Professor David Attard, he was appointed by Secretary General Srivastava of the International Maritime Organisation as a visiting Professor tasked with the preparation of the Modules for the then proposed International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) in Malta in 1988. He has been a visiting Fellow of the Institute since its inception in 1989 and is currently a member of its Governing Council.

He was elected a member of the Executive Council of the Committee of Maritime International, the global body for the unification and promotion of international maritime law in October 2008, and served a term of six years. He was the first African to be appointed and was Chairman of the Standing Committee on the Implementation of International Conventions.

Outside the law, he is the current Chairman of the Boards of Trustees of both the Musical Society of Nigeria and St. Saviour’s Schools in Lagos and is a Patron of the Sickle Cell Foundation of Nigeria.

He is married to Monica Mbanefo who served as a Director of the IMO from 1991 until her retirement in 2010.

Ladies & Gentlemen, permit me to invite our Distinguished Barr. Louis Nnamdi Mbanefo, SAN to receive the Hallmarks of Labour-Life-Time Achievement Award for Exemplary/Courageous Service to the Advancement of our Legal System.

Hearty Congratulations, Sir.

Professor Adesola Ogunniyi

A distinguished Clinician, Teacher, Mentor, Author & Administrator, Professor Adesola Ogunniyiwas in the First Set of Undergraduate Medical students at the then University of Ife, Ile-Ife [graduating in 19781 and a Pioneer Recipient of the Doctor of Medicine degree of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria [NPMCNI based on his research contributions.

Among other professional trainings, there were a Residency in Internal Medicine at the University College Hospital [UCH], Ibadan and a Neuro-Epidemiology Fellowship at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, Stroke & Communicative Disorders, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

His full-time career progression has taken him through quite a number of strategic appointments.
These include: Professor of Neurology, Director, Institute for Advanced Medical Research Training, and Pioneer Chairman, College Research & Innovation Management Unit — College of Medicine, University of Ibadan; Consultant Neurologist to the University College Hospital, Ibadan [UCH]; and VC’s Representative on the Board of Management of UCH.

Other special assignments include:

His rather intimidating array of professional affiliations include: Fellowship of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria in Internal Medicine, West African College of Physicians, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Royal College of Physicians of London, Nigerian Academy of Science, Nigerian Academy of Medicine, and Academy of Medicine Specialties of Nigeria.

To the credit of Professor Adesola Ogunniyi are some 300 Journal Articles and over 100 Abstracts. His research focus is analytic neuroepidemiology with special interests in neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy, and stroke. He received numerous research and training grants from the National Institute of Aging, USA and Grand Challenges Canada and was the Principal Investigator of many of these studies. He was appointed a member of the Lancet Commission on Dementia in October 2018 in recognition of his contributions in the field of dementia. There have also been several editorial appointments on African Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences, Journal of Clinical & Applied Neurosciences, and European Journal of Neurology.

The Mellon Fellow of the University of Cape Town for Mentoring PG Students in Neurosciences, our Celebrant also earned the Bruce S. Schoenberg Award of the American Academy of Neurology for his work on the

“Epidemioloqic Studies of Dementia of the Elderly in a Developing Country, Nigeria”.

He is happily married with children.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we are pleased to invite Professor Adesola Ogunniyi to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Medicine.

Hearty Congratulations, Sir!

Bashorun JK Randle, OFR

A highly-respected Chartered Accountant, prolific Writer, Public Affairs Analyst & Philanthropist, Bashorun Jaiye Kofolaran Randle is the 3rd generation of the eminent Randle Family with the initials ‘J.K.’.

Educated in Nigeria and abroad, he qualified as a Chartered Accountant [England and Wales] in

1969. As a matter of fact, his father, also J.K.

Randle, had told his son that what he owed the younger man was a First Class Education, Not Inheritance.

In professional practice for over five decades to date, Bashorun J.K. Randle has been engaged in the audit and provision of accounting, taxation and management consulting services, including training to Nigerian and multi-national clients across the economic spectrum.

He started off in the Volunteer Services Overseas in the West African region, with deployments to The Gambia, the then Ivory Coast [now Cote D’Ivoire, and Dahomey [now Benin Republic].

He joined the London office of the renowned accounting-auditing firm, Peat Marwick Mitchell [KPMG] in 1970; and was transferred to the Lagos Office the next year. He progressively became a Partner in 1977, Chief Executive in 1992, and Chairman/CEO of KPMG Nigeria in 1993. During this period he variously served as Chairman of KPMG West Africa, Chairman of KPMG Africa, and a Member of the Council of KPMG International.

He retired from KPMG in 2004 on attaining the mandatory age of 60.

Currently, he is the Chairman of a conglomerate incorporating: J.K. Randle International, J.K.

Randle International, Sloane, Burford & Fullbright International, J.K. Randle & Co., J.K. Randle Professional Services, and Grant Advertising Nigeria Limited.

Beyond his primary constituency, our Celebrant has served as Chairman, Eko Hotels Limited; Pro-Chancellor & Chairman of Governing Council of Lagos State University; Member, Governing Council of University of Benin; and Trustee/Treasurer of Musical Society of Nigeria [MUSON].

An Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic [OFR], Bashorun J.K. Randle is a distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria [ICAN], which he also served as President.

He is a Member of the Nigerian Institute of Management [Chartered], and Member, Professional Accountants in Business Committee of The International Federation of Accountants.

Bashorun J.K. Randle had authored several articles and books, among which are the acclaimed The Godfather Never Sleeps, God Does Not Live in Los Angeles Anymore, Who Is Fooling Who?. The Natives Are Friendly? and The Duke And The Soul Princess.

Happily married with children, our Celebrant typifies the saying that ‘A Good Name is Better than Riches’, and has maintained a dignified presence in his official and social conducts. He is a Philanthropist of note, and among others, sponsors the Dr. J.K. Randle Swimming Competition – established in 1928 by his grandfather, Dr. JK. Randle and is the oldest Sporting Competition in Nigeria.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we heartily invite Bashorun Jaiye Kofolaran Randle to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award for Outstanding Contributions in Financial Auditing Services.

Please accept our Congratulations, Sir!

Professor Baba Yusuf Abubakar

An accomplished Scientist, Teacher, Administrator & Specialist in Quantitative Genetics and Animal Breeding, Professor Baba Yusuf Abubakar holds the Bachelor’s degree from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and M.Sc. & Ph.D. from Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA. Given his extensive resume, our Celebrant has gone through an enriching working experience to date. He joined the services of the National Animal Production Research Institute [NAPRI], Shika-Zaria in 1978 as a Graduate Assistant – attaining the rank of Professor of Animal Science 17 years later.

Meanwhile, he led the team of researchers that developed the Shika-Brown Poultry Layer Parent Stock- the first of its kind in Nigeria.

For three years, Professor Baba Abubakar also served as Director [Finance & Supply], Family Economic Advancement Programme; Director [Public Service Office], Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation; and Director [Policy Implementation & Monitoring], Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation.

An appreciative Government appointed him pioneer Executive Secretary/CEO, Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria [ARCN in 2012.

Among other developments, his two terms witnessed the reform of the agency culminating in the more effective ARCN (Amendment) Act, 2021; re-integration of Nigeria into the global International Agricultural Research System; initiation & co-ordination of the establishment of a National Centre for Crop and Animal Improvement; professional capacity-building for best practices; and introduction of a world-class periodical, Journal of Applied Agricultural Research.

There have been several other assignments for our Celebrant – locally and internationally. These include: Consultancies and Committee tasks at the Federal and State levels. He has also served in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Council representing Sub-Saharan Africa; as Chairman, Governing Board of the West & Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development, Liaison officer, Centre for Agricultural Biosciences International as well as Member — Governing Board of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa and Expert Panel on the Development of Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa.

Professor Baba Abubakar’s current schedules include: Visiting Professor at University of Abuja, Abuja & Chairman of the institution’s Research Council as well as Advisory Board Member for the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Science Prize. He is also the incumbent & First African to chair the Board of Trustees, International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management.

Our Celebrant’s professional affiliations speak volumes: Fellow — Agricultural Society of Nigeria, Nigerian Institute of Animal Science, Horticultural Society of Nigeria, and Institute of Public Administration. His roles in these bodies include:

President of the Nigerian Institute of Animal Science, Advisory Board Member for the Nigeria Liquified Natural Gas Science Prize, and Member, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research [CGIAR] Council representing Sub-Saharan Africa.

With several publications in international and national journals to his credit. Professor Baba Abubakar has been honoured at home and abroad for his value-added contributions to societal development. The recognitions include: Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic [OFR] and CORAF/WECARD Award for invaluable contribution to Agricultural Research and Development in West and Central Africa.

He is happily married with children.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we joyfully Professor Baba Yusuf Abubakar to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award of Excellence for the Outstanding Contributions to Research, Innovation and Value Chain Development Towards Food Security.

Congratulations, Sir!

Professor Umaru Pate

An accomplished Media Practitioner, Teacher & University Administrator, Professor Umaru Pate holds an impressive array of academic and professional qualifications, which include:

Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication, Master of Philosophy in Communication Studies, and a Doctorate in Media Studies.

At the age of 24, the Song, Adamawa State-born Communication Expert commenced his full-time professional experience in 1988 as a Graduate Assistant at the University of Maiduguri, where he had undertaken the National Youth Service. With a combination of outstanding performances in his schedules and pursuit of higher studies, he attained the rank of a full Professor in 2007.

Thereafter, he was at Bayero University, Kano variously as Founding Dean, Faculty of Communication, Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies and University Orator.

A past Vice-Chairman of the Tertiary Education Trust Fund [TETFUND] Advisory Group, Professor Umaru Pate also served as Director for Africa, in the prestigious International Network of UNESCO Professors in Communication. His past and current Consultancies include UN Development Programme, UN Fund for Population Activities, UN Food & Agriculture Organization, US Agency for International Development, UK Department of International Development, Ford Foundation, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Friedrich Ebert Foundation of Germany as well as a number of public and private corporate bodies in Nigeria.

Professor Umaru Pate is a regular feature on academic and media circuits locally and internationally – variously as Assessor, Supervisor, External Examiner, Author, Columnist & Editorial Adviser. Among his professional affiliations are: incumbent National President, Association of Communication Scholars & Professionals of Nigeria, Nigerian Union of Journalists, and Nigerian Institute of Public Relations.

Right from his secondary school days, he has been earning and receiving awards & recognitions for excellent performance in his studies and schedules. These have come from, among others, University of Maiduguri, BBC World Service, Nigeria Institute of Public Relations, Society for Peace Studies & Practice, National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalists, Lagos, Nigerian Union of Journalists and the Federal University, Duse, Jigawa State.

In 2019, he received a US$ 800,000 extension grant he won from the MacArthur Foundation of Chicago (USA) after successfully managing the first part of the grant of US700,000 for strengthening investigative and data driven journalism in the Faculty of Communication awarded in 2017. The grant enabled him to successfully work with the NUC and other stakeholders to unbundle the discipline of Mass Communication in Nigeria into eight new degree programmes and establish a digital FM Radio station and 150 computer laboratories in addition to instituting a scholarship from which about 150 female students are benefitting with each receiving N100,000 annually. In June 19, 2022, he won another grant for his Faculty of Communication in BUK another grant of $1.350 Million to promote the teaching and research of journalism in Nigerian Universities.

In 2020, Professor Umaru Pate was deservedly appointed Vice-Chancellor, Federal University, Kashere, in Gombe State; a position in which he has made tremendous impact to date.

Happily married with children, the highly-respected Kaigamma of Adamawa enjoys tremendous goodwill with several individuals and organisations across theworld.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we proudly invite Professor Umaru A. Pate to receive the HLF-Christopher Kolade Award for Excellence in Leadership and Professionalism in the Media.

Hearty Congratulations, Respected Professor!

Professor Jibrila Dahiru Amin, OON

A well-rounded Teacher, Mentor, Author & Administrator, Professor Jibrila Dahiru Amin obtained his tertiary education from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, University of London and University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. His inspiring array of qualifications include: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Master’s degree in Animal Health, Ph.D. in Veterinary Reproduction, and Post-Graduate Diploma in Management.

In his full-time career to date, Professor Jibrila Amin has literally traversed the world of academia in several critical capacities. A Professor of Veterinary Theriogenology at University of Maiduguri since 1998, he has been a Head of Department, Faculty Dean, Dean of Post-Graduate Studies and Member of several other Committees on Campus.

He also served successively as Deputy Vice-Chancellor Central Administration] and Vice-Chancellor of that University and his tenure witness tremendous developments. He improved access by establishing the Faculty of Pharmacy, created four programmes in the College of Medical Sciences, two in the Faculty of Science, and established the Centre for Distance Learning.

Today, the University of Maiduguri, is among the top three largest universities in the country despite the Boko Haram insurgency. There was also no serious industrial dispute in the University during his tenure that necessitated the truncating of the academic calendar. In the last year of his tenure (2007-2008) he served as the Chairman of, the Committee of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities and concurrently served as a Board member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities.

On completion of his tenure, he went on sabbatical as a visiting professor at the National Universities Commission, Abuja (NUC) 2008 – 2010, and served as the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Private Universities, which processes applications for the establishment of private universities. Seven universities were approved during his tenure amongst which are some leading Nigeria’s private Universities, the Nile, Afe Babalola, and Geoffrey Okoye, were processed and approved from scratch by his Committee.

In 2021 he Chaired the Visitation Panel, and later the Planning and Implementation Committee for transforming Saadatu Rimi College of Education Kumbotso Kano into a university.

He pioneered the Board of the College of Veterinarv Surgeons: Nigeria and he was among the Foundation Fellows of the CVSN in 2011.

As the pioneer Vice-Chancellor of the Federal university, Dutse, in Jigawa State, he layed a solid foundation for the institution from scratch and graduated the First Set of students before his exit, with a Commendation from a Federal Government Visitation Panel.

Professor Jibrila Amin also served as Pro-Chancellor & Chairman of Council, Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano. He is currently Trustees Board Chairman, Committee of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities.

An Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic [OFR], Professor Jibrila Amin is also a Rockefeller Biotechnology Fellow, Elected Member of the Nigerian Institute of Management, Fellow of the College of Veterinary Surgeons Nigeria, Member, Veterinary Council of Nigeria, and Member of Council, Association of Commonwealth Universities.

His publications on Veterinary Medicine are widely-acknowledged locally and internationally. In the same vein, he is on the Editorial Boards of Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences, Research Journal of Science, and Journal of Life & Environmental Sciences.

Our Celebrant is happily married with children.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we proudly invite Professor Jibrila Dahiru Amin to receive the Hallmarks of Labour -Umaru Shehu Life-Time Achievement Award for Consistent Advocacy for Positive Change within the University System.

Hearty Congratulations, Sir!

Professor Rugayyatu Ahmed Rufa’I, OON

A Chevening Fellow at the University College, London, Professor Rugayyatu Ahmed Rufa’i had her higher education at Bayero University, Kano and West Virginia University, USA. She holds the Bachelor’s in Education/History, Master’s in History and Ph.D. in History. Her specialties are:

Curriculum & Instruction, History, Social Studies and Girl-Child Education.

The First Female Professor from North-West Nigeria, our Celebrant had held quite a number of strategic public offices at the Federal and State levels. Among others, she served as Jigawa State Commissioner for Health and ater Commissioner for Education, Science & Technology. Both tenures witnessed tremendous progress in the two strategic sectors.

Appointed Minister of Education of Nigeria in 2010, she had an eventful three-year tenure during which she was elected Chairperson, Conference of Education Ministers of the African Union [COMEDAF]. She initiated the One-Year Strategy and 4-Year Strategic Plan for the Development of the Education Sector which focused on key areas of Access, Quality, Teacher Education, Funding, Technical and Vocation Education. There were also boosts to Basic and Secondary Sector through the Almajiri Education and Boys Drop-Out Programmes. She similarly pursued the amendment of the Education Tax Act such that the Tertiary Education Trust Fund [TETFund] now focuses exclusively on the development and rehabilitation of infrastructure and human resources in the country’s higher education sub-sector.

As far back to her days as Education Commissioner in Jigawa State, Professor Ruqayyatu Ahmed Rufa’ has demonstrated deep passion for the education of the Girl-Child and often challenged the outdated notion that female children did not need to go to school as they will end up in the kitchen, as it were. That, of course, hardly endeared her to certain entrenched interests that tried to frustrate her efforts to provide access to girls to obtain a good education. In a media interview, she had bared her mind unequivocally: “‘I’m ashamed

Jigawa can’t enroll enough girls in schools”.

Over the years, she has been dedicated to the cause of promoting access for the young girls and women to get a good education to improve their chances in life and make contributions to their full potentials.

A woman of strong convictions – despite being relieved of her Ministerial appointment due to cracks in the then ruling political party — she returned quietly to her beloved classroom at Bayero University, Kano where she has been a Professor of Curriculum Studies since 2003. In her words, “..that is where I came from on secondment. We should know that a time like this would come because if it does not, death is surelv an end””

In the same vein, Professor Rugayyatu has been in the vanguard of the Kidney Care and Transplant Foundation Trust; vigorously mobilising support locally and internationally.

With over 30 publications in national and international journals and books, Professor Rugayyatu Ahmed Rufa’i has been severally acknowledged within and outside Nigeria. The honours include: Officer of the Order of the Niger [OON), 2006], Chevening Fellow at the University College, London, Dubai Global Excellence Award, Commendation by Howard University, Washington

D.C., and Presentation with the Key to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.

She is happily married with children.

Ladies & Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that we invite Professor Rugayyatu Ahmed Rufa’i to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award for Consistent Advocacy on the Education of the Girl-Child.

Hearty Congratulations, Madam!

Professor Christian T. Happi

A multi-specialist in Medical Research, Practice & Teaching, Professor Christian T. Happi obtained his tertiary education at the University of Yaounde, Cameroon; University of Ibadan, Nigeria; Harvard University, USA and quite a number of other professional institutions. In his impressive mix of qualifications are: First degree in Biochemistry, M.Sc. & Ph.D. in Molecular Parasitology and PostDoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Biology & Genomics, with emphasis on Malaria Infection.

Professor Christian Happi’s professional exposure has been very remarkable. He was Research Scientist & Adjunct Faculty for 7 years at Harvard University; and Adjunct Faculty the Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Research & Training cum Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics at the University of Ibadan’s College of Medicine.

In April 2011, our Celebrant was engaged by Redeemer’s University, Ede in Osun State as a Professor of Molecular Biology & Genomics.

Progressively, he served as Foundation Dean of the University’s College of Post-Graduate Studies; First Director, Directorate of Research Innovation & Partnerships; and a Member of the institution’s Governing Council. Significantly, he is also Director of the World Bank-funded African Centre of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases at Redeemer’s.

On his current schedules, Christian Happi is an Adjunct Professor in two Departments at Harvard University — Immunology & Infectious Diseases of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Organismic & Evolutionary Biology. He is also a Visiting Professor, Quantitative Bioscience Institute, University of California at San Francisco.

Professor Happi has attained great heights indeed, on account of his cutting-edge research focus on genomics of infectious diseases, which include Malaria, Lassa Fever, Ebola Virus, Monkey-Pox, Yellow Fever, HIV, COVID-19) & Human Genomics – with significant outcomes that have boosted progress in medicine and related sciences. Also, as Team Leader and Teacher, he has enhanced the professional of over 1,600 young African Scientists.

He is a Member of the Advisory Boards of several International Organizations, including: Global Alliance for Genomics & Health, Canada; UK Biobank; Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness & Innovation, Denmark; Moderna Global Vaccine Programme, USA; International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria; Illumina Infectious Disease Surveillance & Testing, USA; WHO on Novel Pathogens and on SARS-COV-2 Evolution; US National Institutes of Allergy & Infectious Disease

Global Council; and the journal, Science.

With over 200 scientific publications to his credit – as Sole and Co-Author – Professor Christian Happi is a Member of the Nigerian National Health Research Committee. His professional affiliations include:

Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Sciences; Fellow, Academy of Medical Specialties of Nigeria; Member, US National Academy of Medicine; and Senior Associate Member, Board Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Expectedly, recognition has come to him from far and wide. Included here are: Merle A. Sande Health Leadership Award; NUC Award for Best Nigerian Academic Researcher in Life Sciences & Medicine;

Human Genome Organization [HUGO] Africa Prize;

Bailey K. Ashford Medal of the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene; 5″ Most Influential African in the field of Public Health compiled by Harvard University; Kuwait Foundation for Advancement in Sciences Al-Sumait Prize for African Development; Gold Medal Prize of the Nigerian Academy of Sciences; Nigerian Healthcare Excellence Award for the Most Outstanding Genomic Laboratory.

He is happily married with children.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we respectfully invite Professor Christian T. Happi to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Science.

Congratulations, Sir!

Professor Babagana Zulum, CON, MNI

An accomplished Agricultural Engineer, Administrator & Humanist, Professor Babagana Umaru Zulumobtained his academic and professional education in Nigeria and overseas. Among his qualifications are: National Diploma in Irrigation Engineering, Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering, M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering, and Ph.D. in Soil & Water Engineering. He also attended the National Institute for Policy & Strategic Studies, Kuru-Jos.

Professor Babagana Zulum started his working career as an Assistant Technical Officer in the Borno State Ministry of Agriculture. There was a challenging interlude in self-employment and further studies before he joined the University of Maiduguri (UniMaid) as an Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. Over the years, he successively served as Deputy Dean and Dean of the Faculty and rose to the rank of Professor.

In the interim, he was appointed Rector of Ramat Polytechnic, Maiduguri, which he was familiar with as a student.  He literally served in that capacity for free as he opted to retain his meagre salary a UniMaid where he also gave some lecture hours.

On account of his sterling performance at Ramat Polytechnic, Professor Babagana Zulum was further pressed into service as Borno State’s pioneer Commissioner for Reconstruction, Rehabilitation & Resettlement. Despite the extreme security challenges, this man of vision acquitted himself creditably. Among other attainments, he oversaw and coordinated the reconstruction of over 30,000 re-settlement homes, schools, hospitals and other vital publicservices. These facilitated the steady restoration of civil authority across theState and the consequent return of Internally-Displaced Persons (IDPs) to communities in at least 14 Local Government Areas.

In the interim again, Professor Babagana Zulum sustained his teaching functions at UniMaid.

At the dawn of fresh general elections in 2019, Professor Babagana Zulum was popular choice for the post of Governor of Borno State; and he duly won the elections on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC). His people-oriented approach to governance and achievements in office to date are well-documented and appreciated even nationally. As a matter of fact, in one year, the Zulum administration delivered 326 physical projects and 49 capital-intensive programmes and policies. By year two, there were 556 capital projects which included 194 on Education.

Acknowledged as Borno State’s chief humanitarian officer, Professor Babagana Zulum is literally on ground all the time even at personal risk to ensure the delivery of good governance to his constituents many of who have been traumatised by security challenges.

Deservedly, He has earned Fellowships from many high-end professional bodies, including: National Postgraduate College, Nigerian Institute of Agricultural Engineers, and Nigerian Institute of Architects, 2021.

Recognition has also come from many other sources for this Performing Governor. The awards include: Ordre National Du Niger Grand Officer (Niger Republic’s second-highest national honour);Zik’s Prize for Leadership 2020; NUJ’s Most-Promising First-Term Governor; Muslim Personality of the Year; Leadership and Vanguard Newspapers Personality of the Year 2020; University of Ibadan Alumni of the Year &Most Distinguished Alumni Award2020; and National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Human Rights Award2021.

He is happily married with children.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we invite His Excellency, Professor Babagana Umara Zulum to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award for Excellence in Leadership and Good Governance.

Congratulations, Sir!

Engr. Professor Abubakar Sambo, FAS, FAEng, FNSE, FSESN, FNIMechE, FNAEE, FRAESON, FNIM, FNIPE, FEI (UK)

A seasoned Engineer, Administrator, Teacher & Author, Abubakar Sani  Sambo was educated in Nigeria and abroad. He holds the B.Eng. (1stClass Hons.) and D.Phil.degrees in Mechanical Engineering, and some other professional qualifications from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and University of Sussex, UK.

At Bayero University, Kano, he taught courses in Applied Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Engineering Drawing as well as conducted R&D in Solar Radiation Studies, Flat Plate Solar Collectors and Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters.

At Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto, he served as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and co-ordinated several ground-breaking R&D activities at the Energy Centre.

For two terms again (1995-2004), our energy expert served as the Vice- Chancellor, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi; and briefly as the Pioneer Vice-Chancellor of Kaduna State University. In the former capacity, he strengthened the academic programmes and ensured that all the engineering degree programmes were accredited by both the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) and the National Universities Commission (NUC). There were also other initiatives for Post-Graduate School, revenue-generation, external support for projects, and staff welfare.

Moving forward, Professor Abubakar Sambo was appointed Director-General, Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) in which capacity he also served for two terms. His tenure witnessed the production of a National Energy Data Bank and National Energy Manpower Plan as well as the establishment of fourenergy research centres and the introduction of the Journal of Energy Planning Research and Development (JEPRD).

He is currently at the Faculty of Engineering & Environmental Design of Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto.

Aside from his full-time schedules, Professor Abubakar Sambo has served society in numerous ad-hoc capacities. Among others, he has been Chairman, Ministerial Policy & Advisory Technical Committee on the Environment; two-term Vice-Chairman for Africa on the World Energy Council, Member of the First Council of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and Special Adviser to the President on Energy.

Professor Abubakar Sambo has published extensively in local and international peer-review publications. His professional affiliations include: Fellowships of Nigerian Academy of Engineering(FAEng), Nigeria Academy of Science (FAS), Nigerian Society of Engineers (FNSE),Solar Energy Society of Nigeria(FSESN), Chemical Society of Nigeria (FCSN), Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FNIMechE), Nigerian Association of Energy Economists(FNAEE), Renewable &Alternative Energy Society of Nigeria(FRAESON), Nigerian Institute of Management (FNIM), Nigerian Institute of Power Engineers(FNIPE), Institute of Corporate Administration of Nigeria (FICA),Institute of Administrative Management of Nigeria (FIAMN), and Energy Institute of the United Kingdom (FEI). He is also a Member — Research Board of the American Biographical Institute, International Biographical Centre Advisory Council, International Solar Energy Society, International Energy Foundation, and World Renewable Energy Network.

An Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON), Professor Abubakar Sambo is also a recipient of several other awards, including: National Productivity Order of Merit, Pillar of University Education Merit Award,Year 2000 Nigerian Society of Engineers Merit Award, Life-Membership Award of the Science Teachers’ Association of Nigeria, and he is also mentioned in the Association of Commonwealth Universities Who’s Who from 1996 to 2003.

He is happily married with children.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we invite Professor Abubakar Sani Sambo to receive the Hallmarks of Labour Role Model Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Science.

Congratulations, Sir!

Professor Tonnie Osa Iredia, OON

A Veteran Broadcaster, Sociologist, Lawyer & Administrator, Professor Tonnie Osa Iredia was born on January 31, 1949.  He hails from the ancient City of Benin in today’s Edo State of Nigeria. He obtained his formal education mostly in Nigeria; and holdstwo Bachelor’s, a Master’s and two Doctorate degrees in the multi-disciplinary fields of Law, Media and Management.  He also participated in quite a number of professional improvement programmes within and outside the country.

Professor Tonnie Iredia has served his country and society at large in several critical capacities. These include: Mid-West Television [now Nigerian Television Authority], Benin City, where he rose to become Manager, News & Current Affairs; through Manager, Programmes Services [MPS] & Executive Director [News] & Anchor of the popular public affairs programme: Point Blank] — to the post of Director-General/CEO.

Professor Tonnie Iredia’s leadership tenure at the NTA recorded several innovations. Within one year, the number of transmitting stations rose from 27 to 68. He also institutionalized Live Coverage of events across the country as well as conceived and coordinated the idea of establishing NTA International for global reach.

In the interim — April 2002-June 2003 — he was the Secretary to the Board of the National Orientation Agency [NOA] & Director of Planning, Research & Statistics. Later, he was appointed the Agency’s Director-General/CEO.

Professor Tonnie Iredia was similarly deployed as a Technical Assistant on elections to Liberia’s Independent Elections Commission. While there, the Economic Community of West African States [ECOWAS] also mandated him to serve as the Coordinator of political broadcasts for the first post-civil war elections in that country. One of his success stories in Liberia was his prudent management of resources provided by Nigeria for the resuscitation of the Liberia Broadcasting Service [LBS].

A regular feature on lecture circuits, he is on the faculty of the Department of Mass Communication at Nassarawa State University and a full Professor at Igbinedion University, Okada. He has also authored many learned papers and published works, including the best-selling Communication Skills: Fundamentals of Effective Communication in Developing Economies.                                                                                                                                                                                    

Professor Tonnie Iredia’s professional affiliations are very impressive. He is a Fellow — Nigerian Institute of Public Relations; Nigerian Guild of Editors; Nigerian Institute of Management; and Society for Peace Studies & Practice. He is also a Member of the Nigerian Union of Journalists, Nigerian Bar Association, Commonwealth Broadcasting Association, Broadcasting Organizations of Nigeria, Institute of Administrators, and Institute of Corporate Executives of Nigeria.    

An Officer of the Order of the Niger [OON], this veteran of the broadcast industry has been variously recognised for his positive impact in his chosen fields and on society. Included here are: Best News Editor, FESTAC ‘77 [Broadcasting Organizations of Nigeria], Kwame Nkrumah Leadership Award, 2007, 2010 Life-Time Media Management Achievement Award and many others.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that we invite Professor Tonnie Osa Iredia to receive the HLF-Christopher Kolade Award for Excellence in Leadership and Professionalism in the Media.

Congratulations, Sir!