Again, too soon after the exit of some other eminent members, the Hallmarks of Labour Foundation [HLF] has been thrown into mourning with the passing of one of its quintessential Role Models, Professor Ladipo Ayodeji Banjo, HLR,
An Educationist, Professor of English Studies, Administrator & Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Letters, Ladipo Ayodeji Banjo was a Colossus in the academic world; recording value-added contributions to the edification of humankind at large. Indeed, his resume speaks volumes!
For how does one fail to recognise the merit and distinction of a man who earned the first ever doctorate degree in English of the University of Ibadan and was appointed an academic staff in that department from where he eventually rose to become its professor and head. Continuing the upward mobility, Professor Ayo Banjo progressed to become the Dean of his faculty, then the deputy vice-chancellor of the university and thereafter, a two-time vice chancellor of the institution – the first to achieve that feat in the history of that university. Additionally, on retirement, his unbridled scholarship ensured that the university found him worthy to be retained as Professor Emeritus and eventually had the pleasure of conferring on him an honorary doctorate degree in Literature. Few there are to whom such immaculate services and recognition could be ascribed.
In his time, he was hardly bereft of accolades across the world; so, it was a great honour to the Foundation that he accepted our Role Model Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Education. A man of distinguished presence and calm demeanor, he was a gentleman of the finest order.
His relationship with the Foundation was very strong , showing keen interest and actively participating in all our programmes and the biographical series, Hallmarks of Labour.
We will miss him .
Even as we mourn his physical loss, we are consoled that he lived a worthy life. It is by this token that we commiserate with his dear children, other family members, friends and associates to take solace in his positive impact on humanity.
It is our earnest prayer that Almighty God should accept the soul of our Quintessential Role Model, Ladipo Ayodeji Banjo in His Kingdom. Amen.
Patricia Otuedon- Arawore (Chief)
Executive Secretary